ReBALANCE - Recycling Biomass to Agricultural LANd for Control of Eutrophication Natural Environment Research Council Bangor University ReBALAN:CE Home Page University of Stirling

Inception Workshop:

Our Catalyst Grant Inception Workshop was held on April 25th 2013 at Bangor University. Debate focussed on identifying the pressing research questions and needs in the area of nutrient recovery from aquatic plant and algal biomass in eutrophic waterbodies. Details of an exciting research programme are now taking shape and we are engaging with end-users to help frame our research priorities.


Other meetings and Events:

Resource Recovery from Wastes Workshop - 25th June 2013, Central London

Members of the ReBALAN:CE team (David Oliver, Richard Quilliam & Nigel Willby) attended the Programme Networking Workshop in June. David provided a 5 minute overview of the project as part of a collection of 14 rapid 5-minute presentations from all catalyst grants and the team presented the ReBALAN:CE poster (click here to download).